Proper placement of a patient check-in kiosk

Here are just a few things to consider when deciding where to place patient check-in kiosk.  Chosing the right location is often overlooked and unfortunately one of the most important factors affecting usage and adoption. 

Privacy – Despite the inclusion of integrated privacy filters which restrict viewing to those standing directly in front of the kiosk, consideration should be given to patient privacy at the kiosk.  When considering placement it is beneficial to select a location that offers the patient a sense of privacy, this location should be one that does not have patients standing or walking directly behind and in close proximity to the user at the kiosk.  Proper placement facilitates usage, patients who do not feel a sense of privacy are far less likely to use the kiosk.   Consider a “Please wait here” line/sign similar to those present at the registration counter if necessary.

Patient Flow – Contradictory to the previous point, the kiosk should be placed in a location that coincides with the patient flow.  Having the kiosk by the exit door is not going to encourage usage, however having it near the front entrance or registration desk will.

Eyesight and Earshot – Having the kiosk next to or near the registration desk is ideal, this allows patients the ability to communicate with registration staff should they have any questions while using the kiosk or require assistance. 

Power & Ethernet  – This is a trick, gotcha!  Do not let the ready availability of power and ethernet jacks influence your kiosk placement decision.  Your IT department can run new drops (or use WiFi) and maintenance can run power, the cost of this will be recouped by the increased usage associated with proper placement. 

Here is a recent patient check-in kiosk deployment CTS did, I was on site a few weeks after the installation and was so impressed I took pictures.   This hospital had the foresight to plan for the kiosk during the construction phase and they did one of the finest jobs I have seen at integrating the kiosk into their facility, they look fantastic.  Notice the area designed specifically for the kiosks, complete with frosted glass dividers, in close proximity to the registration counter and for that matter the screen faces the registration counter, allowing front desk staff to see if a patient needs assistance.  They achieved each of the points identified above.  Each floor has three kiosk, helping to ensure that there will be a kiosk available, determining the best number of kiosks to deploy is another post (coming soon).

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